dear me in the future,, little did you know that you're a very annoying person that gets mad at every little things. hahahaha! its funny that everyday you have something to get mad over.
yesterday was 19 of March 2021. you get upset over leen that doesn't want to give in to her miscounting of the our debt of each other. oh yea, this debt were from early of february until the end of march (until yesterday). its just like an account calculation, when you got the end answer or the total wrongly, of course you get upset right. tak puas hati. then she showed me and i said, "Its okay, that 20 cents will be on me."
and then! she get upset too. hahahah! then both of us get upset. you may be wondering why we act like a childing person right? the referring of 'you' is on anyone who may find out about my blog. hahahahah! well, i totally doubt that becauseeeee as i've said on last post, siape je yang baca blog lagi? nob.
okay, back to the story, its because we are child. even when we're on our degree course right now, but that doesnt change who we are.
cepat terasa.
benda kecik pon nak marah.
merajok. bila merajok, senyap memanjang.
tapi semalam, you cannot imagine betapa geramnye akuuuuu!! like eeee geramnyeee! ape lagi yang dia tak puas hati? aku kata nak cover 20 sen tu dah dah la kiranya. ape lagi dia nak? keadilan? ape? apeeee??
and at the end of it, pukul 12 dekat dekat pukul 1, baru ler kami ni habis kira. hahahahaah! bukan aku la, dia.
yea, the same things crossed my mind too. dia ada hak nak marah sebab macam akaun tak balance. suka hati dia la nak kira sampai balance sebab she's the one who did the counting. yeah, aku pikir dah mcam tu. but it still make me mad of that persistence over some 20 cents!
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