its 2021 oredi

Hi assalamualaikum, its feels like years since I last wrote in this blog. Just so you know, the name of this blog represented my ex crush. hahahahha! sumpah la kelako. aku tak tau la ada lagi ke orang yang main blog. nub. yea, nub. aku kata nub sebab sumpah la sape je yang baca blog sekarang.

im in the 3rd year of my degree in USM. yeah, dulu tak sangka pon boleh masuk u. al maklumlah keluor je smk, tak tau nak amik ape. follow the flow je la ritu. ingat nak amik stpm tapi tak dapat pulak. alih alih dapat matrik dekat perak. bila dah start tulis ni, all the ideas come in rushing mcam semua nak keluor sekaligus. back to the main point aku bukak balik blog ni sebab one of my friend tanya ritu, "kolo ko stress kau tak bagitau kat sesiape ke?". and thats when I realised that aku ni takde medium untuk simpan buat kenangan semua masalah masalah aku. 

well, even in this super modern world where everyone have internet access on their phone, people makes diaries. hahahahha! aku tau je, but never met one since recently. she's a very sweet girl with a lot on her mind.

therefore, i have decided that im gonna write it here, all of my problems and stories instead membawang and mengutuk dekat member sendiri. because we never knew when our own friend gonna be our enemy. maybe or maybe not. but it is possible.

and my mouth, when it started to talk about others, it never stops. its a lot of sins. a lot of it. 

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